Wednesday, February 11, 2009


For some strange reason today is a different day not a day of difference but a different day. Not the same shit, not the same day. Emotionally I feel different. Something has changed. Something evolved. Today. What you ask, what you wonder? I have no clue. Ever had a moment in the day, week, month, year even your life well you just felt different but couldn't explain and didn't even know why? Well today is that day for me. A day that's different. Being tired of being tired gets old too. I don't want to be tired. I'm tired of having the same repetitive conversations with myself about people that are in control of their lives and their stupidity. Doesn't simplicity get old? The simple never get tired of being simple? They don't want one challenge a year? I don't know what's happening. Am I evolving past and away from those that live a different life than myself? Am I growing up? Am I taking my life more seriously? I don't know what exactly is going on in my world that's going to change things from this day forward but I can feel it and whether or not I'm prepared now or ever will be will be determined later....... Stay tuned.