Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them."
- Epictetus

Everyone has their own perception of things. It is that perception that allows them to view things. What happens when that perception is believed to be the only way to think and the right way? It no longer becomes only a perception, but an opinion, their opinion. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who you gave 110% of your attention to listen and absorb what they were saying? At the end of the speech you give your perception of the same topic, not only they made you feel that your thoughts didn't matter to them, but that they were wrong and then made you feel belittled for not thinking the same way as them? Hmmmm. What do you think next? Well I know what I think next. The next time they want to talk to me about something they will get the blank stare, the uh huhs, yeah, I see's and quietly I think to myself WHY DON'T YOU SHUT TF UP AND TELL SOMEBODY WHO CARES? I don't......

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