Monday, January 19, 2009

Well, well, well......

I haven't been up here since November?!? That's crazy. Where does time go? I mean really 2008 is here and gone. For real. Well as I lay here in silence and darkness I am forced to think. Think of one thing. Me. What am I doing with myself? What would I like to do with myself? What am I going to do with myself? Emotionally I am working on getting myself together; for my children. They are looking at everything that I do. From the clothes I wear, to what type of shows I watch on television, to who I associate with. So ladies and gentleman it is not a game. I have to be as close to perfect for their good as I can be. What's good for me has to be better for them. Spiritually I am focusing on growing closer to God. That's too personal to share. Physically I'm working out and feeling great. Mentally I start class Feb 4 so I will be more stimulated than the worldly treasures and knowledge that I discover on my own all while moving closer to my goals. I must say God has truly blessed me and as I live life I realize everyday that I think of the past is nothing more than a day that I am wasting. Tomorrow is no more than a comfortable term for laziness as we put off what we don't want to do today. Tomorrow has never been and will never be guaranteed. Live your life and play the hands that your dealt. If you were dealing the cards you wouldn't be living. Take nothing or anyone for granted for the same one you dislike today may be the one you need later. Enough of my rambling. More thoughts to come and soon. Live your life. Goodnight.

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