Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama & The Black Family

You know from the second paragraph of this article down to the end my mouth was hung open waiting for something to fly in it or some slob to drop out of it. The Cosby's do not count for anything because THEY'RE not real. There are plenty of powerful, successful, and rich black people that exist in today's society that have educated mothers AND fathers and well-mannered, educated, successful children. That's a crock of shit. Don't act like the Obama's are the first to do it in America. I love them don't ever get that twisted, but lets be honest with ourselves. Every black person is not uneducated, ill-mannered, or from the projects. Every black family in America does not consist of just a MOTHER. And if it does there are a lot of women raising their kids, while working very good jobs with their degrees and raising successful children who do the same. I am so bothered by the idea that people, black and white, feel so negatively about ALL BLACK people. Are there some project folk out there? Yes. Are there some Bebe's kids out there? Yes. Are there some white people that hail from the slums? Yes. Are there some white people that are considered "white trash"? Yes. Are there some ignorant ass mofos in the world black and white? YES! So lets look at it for what's it worth and not what you want it to be. Powerful black men have white women or women that's light, bright, and damn near white so Obama having a dark-skinned lets black people know that black is beautiful? Seriously? I needed to see Michelle Obama to feel being black is beautiful, that being black is okay? Really? Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that I had no self-esteem or self-worth without seeing a black educated woman. I must have missed that email. I was also left out of the loop that alerted black people that all couples argue in public and disrespect each other. Black people and manners or respect must never go in the same sentence with the word relationship huh? America needs to know and realize that ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE NOT THE SAME. More of America needs to get out from behind their cubicles, under their rocks, out of their little world more and experience life. Its a whole nother world that exists out there and it can not be found on TV.

Read Below:

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