Thursday, December 10, 2009

A poem that inspired me....

"To Realize"

To realize
The value of a sister
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one

To realize
The value of ten years:
Ask a newly
Divorced couple.

To realize
The value of four years:
Ask a graduate.

To realize
The value of one year:
Ask a student who
Has failed a final exam.

To realize
The value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.

To realize
The value of one month:
Ask a mother
who has given birth to
A premature baby.

To realize
The value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize
The value of one minute:
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize
The value of one-second:
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident.

! Time waits for no one.

Treasure every moment you have.

You will treasure it even more when
you can share it with someone special.

To realize the value of a friend or family member:

Author: anonymous


I spoke to a young lady that is an author and she told me to write everyday for 15 minutes to open up the creativity doors. Thanks Junnita!!! I started with that exercise on Friday night and my brain is opening up more and more. I hope that you find my work interesting and influential. Please feel free to leave comments. I would like to feel the love and hear the critiques as well. Thanks for much for reading. 2010 is going to be a big year for me. Stay tuned there's more to come.......







Was in desperate need of these things
to write
to function
to keep sanity


© 2009 N.Y.W. All Rights Reserved. No reproduction permitted without author’s express consent.


At some point in time in everybody's life

They ignore whats wrong and whats right

Independent decisions are made or so you thought

But in the end it was all being selfish in thought

People who love u and their love is true

Become tolerant to the ignorant sh@! you do

You were a nice guy 'til that "special" girl ignored you

You become insecure wondering whats wrong with you, what did you do?

Feeling nobody's now worthy enough to know the "real" you

Getting caught up with your boys indulging in a threesome a time or two

Begins out spectacular something so fresh, so new

Until you feel that pain in your head the one down below

Going to the doctor to finding out that STD wasn't worth all of those blow

jobs that is

Now you're sitting around wondering why did this happen to you

Embarrassed, ashamed, disgusted, violated, now a lost boy are you

Realizing the game is more serious than you thought

Praying you get over this terrible clout

Now you know one of the things that brings boys to men

Be thankful it only takes one time to make everything end

© 2009 N.Y.W. All Rights Reserved. No reproduction permitted without author’s express consent.


I Love it when you slide your tongue between my legs
Licking and sucking slowly messing up my head
I Love it when you smack me on the ass
Oooooh boy please let my wetness feel your mass
My body aches for a dose of your d*ck
Don’t put it in yet, rub it up and down on my clit
Let my wetness soothe the head of your d*ck
Now slide your tongue down real slow ooooh I feel sick
Cause I can’t have the thing I’m addicted to
damn boy you’re freaky I Love the things that you do
Turn over on your back let me please you now
Oooh baby you got to hold on to that cum someway somehow
Just a few more minutes I know you’re about to bust
Hmmm yeah just give me one long deep thrust
Come here don’t be scared I just want to taste it once more
damn boy you’re trippin we’re about to be on the floor
Come here give me that d*ck so hard, so tall
Let me sit my wetness on that d*ck (ha) don’t worry it wont hurt at all
I’ll start out real slow riding on top of you
Ohhhh sh*t boy I’m about to cum all over you
You feel so good inside of my pouring waterfall
Yeah stay right there don’t move none at all
I’m climaxin in this satisfaction my brain is climaxin too
Humph that was so damn good I just want to say thank you!

© 2009 N.Y.W. All Rights Reserved. No reproduction permitted without author’s express consent.


Unconditional expressions of the word love
Help me to understand what has happened to us
We used to be happy, laugh, joke, and play
Now I pray for one peaceful day
Where we don't argue
End up not speaking
The beginning they say is always so good
Mesmerized and loving it
I guess that's that puppy love
I look back and laugh
Thinking those were the good old days
So help me to understand something
How long does love last?
How long can love last?
I guess as long as it can escape the past
The past of hurt, pain, and the bruises of a bad love
The past of giving so much and getting no love
In return for all of your emotional giving
And physical endurance
So tell me can you help me to understand something
How long does love last?
How long can love last?
I guess as long as it can escape the past 

 © 2009 N.Y.W. All Rights Reserved. No reproduction permitted without author’s express consent.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Food for my soul

I've been away whether I was blocked or not I was away from my passion too long. I've had thoughts that I can not explain but will be in the written form of a tale from me. Brooklyn is my choice of topic. Living in Brooklyn has made me see the other sides to everything that I thought was life, well it is for me, but it's not for most here. I am a active member at Talia's school and knowing what the children deal with and the problems that they face surpass the scale that I thought that they were weighed on. Family shelters, foster care, and abuse are just the beginning. I can not wait to post and publish my tales from the concrete jungle. The southern belle that resides inside of me is struggling to survive in the wild. Let me just start there......Stay tuned.