Friday, August 15, 2008

How much can one take?

Life to me has become one big lesson. The things that I have learned and continue to learn about life no one could ever teach me. There comes a point where you have to learn how to let go. Let go of theunhappines , small things that mean nothing, conditional people, fake people, and those that don't need to be included in your cipher. You are who you socialize with. Why do you think its been any type of relationship from the beginning? We allow people to use us whether its financially, emotionally, or physically we allow it. Some of it we see and acknowledge and some we don't until the situation is done and over with. Grasping that moment of truth when its no longer B.S. and is 100% the truth and a smack in your face is one of the hardest pieces to swallow. Letting go. Leaving it behind and never looking back again. That's the hard part. The easy part that required no work at all was accepting what you were given to deal with that made you unhappy to begin with. The easy part was complaining, but yet still living it. The easy part was beating yourself up about thinking it was something that you said or did to deserve it. The hard part is getting rid of those that you mean less than the best to. Living for yourself (and of course ur kids if it applies) and your happiness takes work. It takes work to be positive. Knowing is not even half of the battle, knowing raises awareness to the detail that requires your attention. I am learning that I must know my self-value and that I must love myself enough to know when enough is enough. Never lose site of that dream. Never lose site of that happiness that doesn't require one dime. Never lose site of that goal that you've been told is unobtainable. Never take so much negative that who you are becomes hidden behind wounds that only you can heal. Never look to rely on others when the answer is you. Never be anything but who you are and be able to say that this is enough and now its time to do me. Those that get eliminated or hurt during the process shouldn't have been there anyway. Blocking my blessings by having the wrong ones in my cipher aren't worth it. Its okay to let it go, to let them go, to be who you are for yourself. At the very end of the day when the only reflection you see in the mirror is you. Know that its okay.

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