Friday, August 15, 2008

Keepin it real....

Its funny how life throws things at you and how you learn to cope with whatever it is. Well my latest lesson is learning how to let go. I am letting go of the battles of other. They're not mine to fight. When I am asked for my advice or opinion I give it from a neutral perspective. I speak without bias. I keep it real. In listening to people I also know that these people that are asking me what they should do know what they do, they don't want to do it. People know what their situation is, they know what they are dealing with, but they don't want to hear it. People want it sugarcoated for them so it will make them happy in their fantasy world. I don't live in that world. I don't live by those fantasy rules so I have to ask myself, why am I stepping into their fantasy world? People are who they are. Deal with it. Accept it. Get over it. I refuse to give anyone the power to define me nor make me feel any other way then the way that I want to feel. I refuse. I will not any longer fall into the clasps of the weak. I will not any longer fall into the feelings of the weak. I will not any longer be drained of my energy that I fight everyday to keep positive for myself and my family. I refuse. After long consideration andanalyzing of my cipher I have decided that as small as it is. It needs to be smaller. I will not be that fake person for anyone. The biting of this tongue is over. You thought I was outspoken before. You have no idea of what has unfolded. I concern myself with those that concern themselves about me. Period. Keep it real with yourself. You can not and never will be real with anyone else if you can't be real with yourself. You will continue to attract the same fake, negative, dramatic, lifeless bullshit ass people in your life if that's what you are. You are the company that you keep. Until you decide to step outside of yourself and see what you're doing wrong you will continue to blame the world for your life and your unhappiness. Happiness begins with you. No one can change that.Rechanneling energy into important things that matter in your life is one of the best thing that you can do for yourself. Some people have too much time on their hands. Too much time + The wrong people= drama. Focus!!! Get on your A game. Take it from someone that has been through it and was recently stuck in the same slump. Life is too short and precious. Take advantage of that free time in positive ways. When its gone you're gonna wish it was there. Keeping it real is one of the best things that you can do for yourself to enhance your life.

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