Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Nerve

How dare you question me
Is it because of reality
Your eyes are open and you finally see
Haven't been on your job now your mad at me
For what?
You had your chance now your time has expired
Don't try and make be out to be a liar
You can say what you want I've always tried
To make sure they get my life I'm giving it like it's on fire
Go to plan B because this one isn't workin
You have no one else to hold accountable
For its you that's doing the jerkin
Not me
For their precious life I'm liable
At the end of the day it falls on you
Stop thinking of yourself look at the bigger picture
Walking around stupid you don't even have a clue
Of the little heart your words can puncture
And you have the nerve to be mad at the world
And me
If only you looked through my eyes for one day you could see
What I see and what I live
Every single day
A free moment of your time you don't even have to give?
At the end of the day what more is there to say

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